bestop and jeep jamboree

We are excited to reaffirm our proud partnership with Jeep Jamboree USA! Our ongoing collaboration highlights our shared values and dedication to providing Jeep owners with the ultimate open-air freedom and adventure.

Jeep Jamboree USA is synonymous with off-road adventure weekends that bring together the great outdoors, down-to-earth people, and their Jeep 4x4s. These treks have a storied history, dating back to 1953 when 4×4 pioneer Mark A. Smith organized the first-ever Jeep Jamboree, navigating the rugged Sierra Nevada Mountains via the historic Rubicon Trail. In 1954, Willys Motors, the then-manufacturer of Jeep vehicles, joined the adventure, cementing Jeep Jamborees as a cherished off-road tradition ever since.

At Bestop, we believe in the spirit of open-air freedom, allowing Jeep owners to truly connect with nature and experience the thrill of adventure. Our partnership with Jeep Jamboree USA perfectly complements this ethos, offering Jeep enthusiasts unparalleled opportunities to explore, learn, and enjoy the freedom of the open road and the rugged trails.

Jeep Jamborees are not just about the thrill of the drive; they’re about building a community of adventurers who share a passion for exploration and the Jeep lifestyle. These events are family-friendly, welcoming Jeep enthusiasts of all ages to experience the camaraderie and excitement of off-roading.

One of our own Bestop employees had an epic time at last year’s Rubicon Jamboree. “I was fortunate enough to participate in last year’s Rubicon Jamboree. For those who don’t know, the Rubicon Trail has an amazing backstory about how it got started and how it has remained open over the years. I encourage you to read up on its history. The support staff was incredible, always there to spot you through the tougher sections. Having a Sunrider on the trail was a game changer as well. Instant open air/sun protection.”  

Here are some of my personal photos from the trip:

If you’d like to learn how to really drive your Jeep with support from all angles, we encourage you to book a trip and join the next Jeep Jamboree. Whether you’re a seasoned off-roader or a beginner, there’s something for everyone. You’ll gain invaluable skills and create unforgettable memories with fellow Jeep enthusiasts.

Join us in celebrating the spirit of adventure, freedom, and community that defines Jeep Jamboree USA and Bestop. Let’s continue this journey together, upholding the traditions that make Jeep ownership so special.


see you on the trails!